Monday, August 12, 2024

"Saluda Reflections" from Finishing Line Press My Most Recent Poetry Book

     In this one, I talk about some things going on in the world today. At the time we lived in Saluda County, South Carolina, on a lovely 2-acre wooded lot off the beaten path.

      By far is is the best-received poem from the book:

      One Morning You Will Decide


One morning you will decide

that this is the day to escape:


time to load the car, leave

the madness and mayhem.


Soon we will drive along

mesas, snow-capped mountains,


along the Natchez Trace

and the Appalachian chain.


Maybe we will leave the car

at the airport and fly to


that city on a cliff in Spain

you saw online or Vienna


where I will lure you to Sopron

and show you the family homestead.


Tell me when, my love and I will

get the bags from upstairs.

Arthur Turfa, ©2018 Finishing Line Press

My novel:

My other poetry books and short story collection:



  1. Wow, looooooove this poem. I'm gonna have to add this book to my short list to get.

  2. Thanks for all of the kind comments, Kimberly! Writing has been enjoyable for me and I am glad that others find reading what I write the same!


"Saluda Reflections" from Finishing Line Press My Most Recent Poetry Book