Monday, August 12, 2024

"Gemini" My Metaphysical Poetry Book from Broad River Books

     For what it's worth, I am a Gemini. Where some people see contradictions, I see an opportunity to create something new that contains the best of two seemingly contradictory positions. 

     I call this my metaphysical poetry book because I ponder some deep thoughts.

    This poem I share is lighter in tone, but not in meaning. It has been used in a post-secondary presentation about adjuncts.

    Scholarly Mercenary  from Gemini, Broad River Press © 2018   Arthur Turfa


From high school rooms rented out

at night to community or tech colleges,

with an occasional four-year

campus in the mix, I wander

shoulder bag crammed with

textbooks, papers, flash drive

instead of ammo and field rations.


Contracted from semester to semester,

lured by another check or recertification

points, perhaps more dollars poured

into the Holy Grail of retirement,

on the front lines of education can

we be found around 75% of the time.


No tenure secures us, Some of us have

only these classes. A few seek full-time

status. Not I’ my salary suffices.


When the curriculum changes, I change

enough to continue, unwilling to

challenge directly. I am needed, and

say to myself

Vive l’argent! Vive le métier scholaire

Vive les beaucoups savants mercenaires!

My novel:


Other books, mainly poetry with a short story collection


1 comment:

  1. Some of the closest friends I've had were Gemini's, I appreciate the personal perspective you have, may provide some insight to some of those past relationships. Thank you.


"Saluda Reflections" from Finishing Line Press My Most Recent Poetry Book